Friday, December 27, 2019

The Principles Of Scientific Management - 1641 Words

The concept of scientific management was first introduced in the book The Principles of Scientific Management, by F.W. Taylor (1911), eventually forming the concept of the frequently used management technique referred to as Taylorism. This concept revolved around three prime objectives. Taylorism focuses on the achievement of efficiency – by maximizing output per worker through training in scientific methods to establish the â€Å"one best way of executing each motion† (Katia Caldari, 2007); to create direct control of the manufacturing process, by clearly implementing a hierarchical authority; and lastly predictability, through the standardization of tasks by the notion of division of labour (Huczynski, A., Buchanan, D., 2013). Taylor strongly believed in rationalism, the theory that reason forms the basis of knowledge – and his studies, such as the the Time and Motion Studies conducted at Bethlehem Steel (Taylor, 1991), led him to believe that the most rationa l approach to achieving the maximization of productivity in a business, would be through the incorporation of these three concepts (Huczynski, A., Buchanan, D., 2013). However, even though these concepts are arguably advantageous for secondary sector businesses, Taylorism largely ignores the importance certain psychological factors, for instance those emphasized by Frederick Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory or the Them vs. Us mentality. Such psychological factors, according to the Iceberg model (Figure 1), form theShow MoreRelatedPrinciples of Scientific Management1149 Words   |  5 PagesScientific Management is a theory of management that analyzed and synthesized workflows. Its main objective was improving economic efficiency, especially labor productivity. It was one of the earliest attempts to apply science to the engineering of processes and to management. Its development began with Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 1880s and 1890s within the manufacturing industries. Taylor was an American mechanical engineer and a management consultant in his later years. He is often calledRead MoreThe Scientific Principles Of Management838 Words   |  4 PagesWinslow Taylor pioneered the scientific principles of management. The scientific theory of management seeks to establish factors that can improve the productivity of workers. Taylor believed that organizations should optimize the way their employees work rather than have them work as hard as they can. Taylor conducted time and motion studies that showed that individual employees are more efficient than others. This section shall discuss the principles of scientific management and show how the Four SeasonsRead MoreThe Principles Of Scientific Management1262 Words   |  6 PagesManagement has been present in human society dating back to Sumerian temples and the building of the pyramids. However, it was not until early 1900s that the practice of management was given theoretic approaches. Five key management theories have been developed since then: scientific management, structural approach, human relations, systems approach, and contingency. Each approach was developed and influenced by the time period making a significant impact even on today’s modern management principlesRead MoreThe Principles Of Scientific Management3291 Words   |  14 PagesTHE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT (TAYLORISM) STUDENT NAME : SOWMITH VATSAVAI ROLL NO : 120908246 BRANCH : INDUSTRIAL AND PRODUCTION ENGG. E-MAIL ID : SOWMITH.V@GMAIL.COM CONTACT NO : 09740459479 INDEX Contents Page No. 1 Fundamentals 2 2 Introduction 5 3 Experimentation 6 4 Principles 9 5 Conclusion 15 6 References 16 â€Æ' 1.Fundamentals of Scientific Management 1.1 Introduction Read MoreThe Principles Of Scientific Management1337 Words   |  6 Pagesa century ago, Frederick Winslow Taylor’s renowned work The Principles of Scientific Management set forth a theory that to this day is subjected to a similar degree of critique and debate to that in the early 20th century. While Taylor’s ideas were evidently influenced by the works of earlier researchers, it is he who is credited as the â€Å"father† of the scientific management movement (Jeacle, 2004, p. 1164). As such, scientific management itself is synonymous with Taylor to the extent that it is commonlyRead MoreThe Principles Of Scientific Management944 Words   |  4 Pagescontinued to promote his principles through lectures at universities as professional societies, leading to his election as president of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1906. That year he was also given an honorary science degree from the University of Pennsylvania. During his presidency he wrote many books documenting his methods for maximum production, including â€Å"Notes on Belting†, â€Å"Piece-rate System†, and his bestselling book â€Å"The Principles of Scientific Management.† He would argue thatRead MorePrinciples of Scientific Management1975 Words   |  8 PagesSince its inception in 1911 Scientific Management has soared to incredible heights, spread across the entire world as an expert`s way to make the most out of the time an employee. Before I begin analysing its use today it`s important to first establish what Scientific Management means. It is defined concisely in the business dictionary as â€Å"an early 20th century school of management thought concerned primarily with the physical efficiency of an individual worker† that â€Å"emphasises the rationalizationRead MoreThe Principles Of Scientific Management2994 Words   |  12 PagesIntroduction Good management can be defined as the optimal use of available resources to increase an organisation s efficiency and effectiveness in meeting its objectives (Garg, 2013). Scientific management has been the dominant model for many years, but its usefulness for meeting modern organisational challenges may be limited. This paper examines the principles of scientific management, the degree to which it is applied in contemporary organisations, its utility for addressing modern challengesRead MoreThe Principles Of Scientific Management3162 Words   |  13 Pagesbeen accepted and adopted in different kinds of organization. And the same era, the Principles of Scientific Management was proposed by Frederick Winslow Taylor in 1911, which has focused on how to work to maximize the benefits to staff, mangers and society, moreover, it also developed some methods of supervision, uniform and work standard. Actually, no matter the scientific management by Taylor or Weber’s management of Bur eaucracy, these theories are provide the foundation for Modernism. GraduallyRead MoreThe principles of scientific management – Summary1128 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿The principles of scientific management – Summary Introduction Taylor started this paper by quoting then  President of the United States,  Theodore Roosevelt. Stating that The conservation of our national resources is only preliminary to the larger question of national efficiency. Taylor pointed out that while a large movement had started to conserve material resources, the less visible and less tangible effects of the wasted human effort was only vaguely appreciated. He argues the necessity

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Energy Supply And Usage Of Renewable Energy - 10339 Words

Chapter 1: Introduction to Thesis Introduction to Thesis 1.1 Statement of the problem The world’s energy supply and usage harnessed by humans are predominantly occupied by fossil fuel combustion a non-renewable resource. On the other hand small fractions of the energy harnessed by humans are renewable resources at only about 13% of the total energy sourced. With fossil fuels emitting high amounts of greenhouse gasses that affect our climate negatively in the long term in addition to its non-renewability, alternative sources of energy supply particularly in the category of renewable energy can help alleviate the impact of the shortage of resources and the harmful impact of our energy usage on the environment. Salinity-gradient energy can potentially be a part of this alternate source of renewable energy as well as gas emission-free as it is based on the mixing of solutions with different salt concentrations through the uses of Osmotic pressure and a membrane. Salinity-gradient energy is applied through the application of pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) and its use for power generation has made it a viable pairing for desalination plants that use reverse osmosis/forward osmosis (FO/RO) in its processes. Salinity-gradient energy has only gained substantial attention in the last 10 years due to increasing cost of fossil fuels and because of its relatively new upbringing there is still a lot of research and understanding to be achieved. One of the major reasons for this beliefShow MoreRelatedEssay on Renewable Energy: The Switch is Now1504 Words   |  7 Pagesprevention of this future is renewable energy. Unfortunately the support for the use of renewable energy is weak and ineffective. Unless the US puts forth effort to research and promote the use of renewable energy to consumers, conversion from fossil fuels to renewable energy will no longer be an option. The use of fossil fuels on a large scale, specifically coal, began with the Industrial Revolution in England. Industries/corporations first used coal as a main source of energy to fuel their factoriesRead MoreAnalysis Of Renewables Or Bust And Its Effects On Our Health And Environment?1503 Words   |  7 PagesRenewables or Bust Many American cities have experienced the phenomenon of smog or haze at one point or another. This smog has led the general population, political leaders, and scientists to ask the question, â€Å"What produces this haze and what are the impacts on our health and environment?† (Fischetti). The average amount of energy consumed per person has dramatically increased over the past several hundred years (Christensen, 482). The prevalence of fossil fuel use in our world is a primaryRead MoreSolar Energy Incentives999 Words   |  4 Pagesthe progress of renewable energy across the United States of America. Strengthen national policies by introducing financial incentives for research, development, and manufacturing that tackle technical challenges to the growth of renewable energy. Incentives such as tax breaks, low interest rate loans, and grants will allow the renewable energy sector to implement cost-effective solutions and be and competitive against traditional energy sourc es. Issues The U.S. Department of Energy should implementRead MoreThe Most Important Aspect Of The Modern World Essay1332 Words   |  6 Pagesregarding technology that keeps humanity alive or destroy it are the abilities in which engineers can harness and manipulate energy. The energy sources include both renewable and non-renewable resources and are the vital backbones of this modern world. The Industrial Revolution which took place in eighteenth century Great Britain acted as a sort of gateway to the discovery and usage of fossil fuels today (Industrial Revolution. Para 1). It was an increasingly developing time as the economic market tookRead MoreSolar Energy Industry Indi Problems And Prospects1092 Words   |  5 PagesTo meet demand-supply gap in the energy sector of India has led Government to tap solar energy that is sufficient to meet the annual demand of residential, agriculture and residential purposes. Solar energy sector is driven by demand and supply side factors, and it has the excellent chance to be World leader in this area if it tackles its challenges efficiently. Government can focus on establishing mini-grids to cater the needs of remote regions, implementation of renewable energy certificates, carbonRead MoreDevelopment Of Smart Grid Technologies1401 Words   |  6 Pagesself-governing and enhance the higher effectivity and efficiency of power deli very, and they also allow renewable energy recourses safely to connect into the grid to replenish the power supply from the normal customers’ distributed power plants and storage, power industries can minimize the cost to build more power plants with renewable energy, transmission lines, and substations to raise the level of power supply which to adapt to the modern electricity consumption. This memorandum can help people learn moreRead MoreEnergy: What is Micro Hydro Power1098 Words   |  4 PagesMicro hydro power is a concept that has over the years been adopted as an alternative energy supply for communities whose access to a national grid is limited by a factor or two. In fact, hydro power is one of the oldest sources of energy used by the human civilization. It has been used for hundreds of years to turn waterwheels for the purpose of sawing logs, grinding grains, and the manufacture of cloths. From the last century, large scale hydro power plants have been used mainl y for the generationRead MoreAlternative Energy Solutions For Renewable Energy1295 Words   |  6 Pagesdiminishing supply. We are scrambling for solutions in underdeveloped technology and overlooked industry. There is much debate on whether any alternative energy solutions are able to effectively replace fossil fuels. Even if they are, we are then faced with the problem of how renewable energy programs could be implemented and improved. There are many aspects of this debate to consider, including energy demand, financial support, and ecological factors. The push for alternative energies is essentialRead MoreEnergy Resources And Renewable Energy1240 Words   |  5 PagesEveryone uses a lot of power for lighting, heating, machines, movements, and so much more. All of that energy has to come from an energy supply. Some energy resources are renewable, while others are non-renewable. Energy has various forms and is a very essential part of our everyday lives. In my house, I always try to conserve energy when I can. I try an hot water by using a lower flow shower head and very rarely use the bath tub which does waste a lot of hot water. When buying light bulbs, I onlyRead MoreReplace Traditional Components Like Diesel Generators Essay1406 Words   |  6 Pagesare used to generate power in a microgrid with renewable energy sources for an Air-force field deployable hospital (AFFDH). In this paper we assume that Air-force field deployable hospital consumes approximately 70KVA of peak power. ETAP software is used to operate for island and grid connected mode and also load flow and short circuit analysis are performed on the system for variety of load and fault scenarios. INTRODUCTION Usage of renewable energy resources in production of electricity is considered

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Organizational Behavior and Group Dynamics free essay sample

Restructuring In team B’s organizations, two of the companies produce products consumers use constantly and the other three organizations offer more of services to customers. All five organizations Advanced Radiology, AT T, Estee Lauder, Bel Lago and Mount Vernon Mills in some ways have the same internal forces of restructuring because continually have to make changes from within to make sure their organization stays profitable. Because Advanced Radiology and AT T offer services to their customers, their employees have to deal with change.Learning to merge with other companies locally and in other countries can many times cause these employees to have a hard time adapting to the way the other companies operate. The difference in the restructuring of Mount Vernon Mills, Bel Lago and Estee Lauder is these companies do not merge with other companies. These organization restructuring can cause negative behavior because they do not merge with other companies to make a profit. The behavior in these organizations also comes because of change.Estee Lauder, Bel Lago and Mount Vernon mills tend to shift and move their employees around in their organization based on their needs and demands at the present time. One of the differences that Mount Vernon and Bel Lago has that the other organizations do not have is the high turnover in employment. Restructuring affects organizational behavior in employee and groups of employees every time changes are finished. Sometimes the behavior in change can be positive, but many employees behavior start out negative until they can adapt to the new restructure. Organizational missionThe mission of each organization describes each company, gives employees purpose, customers a reason to do business and attracts other potential opportunities. These five organizations focus on their providing their best product or services to each consumer or patient. The Estee Lauder mission statement is to bring out the best of everyone we touch† with their skincare, makeup, and fragrances. Mount Vernon Mills has a passion for perfection, their mission is â€Å"satisfying our customers. † ATT strives to enrich their customers personally with their communication services. ission is to provide ultimate patient care and responsiveness to both referring physicians and patients. Bel Lago Restaurant mission is to provide superior food and services. Nothing Less! Each of these organizations internally seeks to provide the best of their product or services for customers. Externally they reach out to their neighboring communities, increase customers, and stay abreast with what is in high demand. In contrast three of the listed companies provides a product, one company provide food and fifth meets the radiology needs of patients and referring physicians.Fiscal Polices In comparing the five different organizations most give back to their employees and community whether it be through supporting breast cancer research in the case of Estee Lauder or investing in the company to provide better service for the customers. However, this is not the case in Mount Vernon Mills as they have took away key benefits from their employees to be more profitable and be able to compete with other companies. Competition Competition is the key to staying in business for many organizations.Many organizations are constantly seeking news way to attract cu stomers by changing how it operates, the products and merchandises available to its customers, and overcoming any obstacles that it faces including factors like the lagging recession, and implement ways to overcome the issue by less hiring, cutbacks on working hours, or wages to compensate so that the company can remain as competitive as the next organization to attract its customers. Estee Lauder competes with other similar competitors by having Clinique, Mac, Bobby Brown, La Prairie, Sean John, American Beauty, and Aromas fragrances as some of its partners.Mount Vernon Mills constantly struggles to find new solutions to its rising material cost associated with the jeans because its customers are canceling orders and competitors are offering similar products at a lower cost. ATT continually seeks ways to minimize its operating cost and maintain services and products for its customer at an affordable price to be competitive with similar rivaling companies. Advanced Radiology Services and Bel Lago compete with other businesses nearby to keep and attract its customers based on the services each provides.Hence, we can compare and see how each organization is similar or different in how the organizations adopt ways to overcome its competitors. Economy The economic condition affects and influences how many organizations operate to stay in business in today’s ec onomy. Today’s economic recession and condition have resulted in many unemployment, layoffs, and cutbacks by many organizations. A brief comparison and contrast of the five organizations will show how these organizations deal with economic issue.Estee Lauder and ATT overcame some of its problem by cutting down on some of its staff in different regions, cease hiring, and develop new ways to cut back its budget. Mount Vernon Mill’s low pay rate because of the economic condition has caused low morale, low self-esteem, job dissatisfaction for many of its employees, and it is a severe blow to its residents as cost of living increased. Advanced Radiology Services has felt the impact of the economic condition because many patients had to cancel his or her health insurance coverage because of rising healthcare and related issues.Bel Lago had to restructure itself internally by having its employees work fewer hours to combat the economic problems because fewer customers are coming in and eating out. Customer Demands When we compare and contrast the customer demands between Mount Vernon Mills, Estee lauder cosme tics, ATT, , we find that they have several things in common: They strive to give exceptional service above expectations to their customers, continue to educate their employees to keep them abreast, give the organization a competitive edge with the use of technology, and try to meet their customer’s demand through innovation.They also try to be eco-friendly in their own little way. They differentiate in a sense that the organizations are all of various backgrounds from the textile industry, health industry, cosmetics industry to the communication industry. They are affected internally in a different way because for instance the internal forces that affect Estee lauder cosmetics are things like staffing and lack of good product knowledge but one of the external forces could be the product not meeting up to the customer’s expectations or stock issues.The internal forces that affect Denim-Mills on the other hand could be the constant need to upgrade and keep up with the latest textile technology but their external forces could be the customers demand for more eco-friendly products if they don’t have the technology to make it happen. In the health industry, the internal forces may simply be a medical misdiagnosis or malpractice whereas the external forces may be not having enough physicians and nurses to take care of patients.In the communication ind ustry, their external forces may be not having enough towers worldwide to satisfy their customers’ needs but their internal forces maybe their loss of revenue or a mass product malfunction. Internally or externally, these organizations are affected in some form or another. Globalization Most major organizations are affected by globalization because of the need to compete and have the customers buy their goods or services rather than someone else’s. There is always a need to be the better company and offer a better product or service so that they get more business. Globalization affects everyone and every company, even the smaller independent organizations because they deal with other businesses that get product overseas where it is usually cheaper or the only source to get it from. In any case globalization will have its benefits and its drawbacks. Conclusion The five organizations, Mount Vernon Mills, Estee lauder, ATT have similar customer tailored missions, neighboring competition, and high customer demands.Each organization strives to be the best, the selected or, chosen company by consumers. Although each of the discussed organizations differs by product or rendering services, they are a success today because each organization restructure internally, and expand externally to meet the needs of clients, customers, and the stakeholders. The strategies for staying competitive whereas others suffer as indicate by the five organ izations rely heavily on the organizational behavior, management, and the economy.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Soweto I Love Essay Example For Students

The Soweto I Love Essay I am going to compare and contrast two poems that have a common theme of peoples assumptions and racial stereotypes. The two poems are On Judgement Day by Sipho Sepamla and Telephone Conversation by Wole Soyinka.  The poet of On Judgement Day, Sipho Sepamla, was born in 1932 and died in 2007 on January 9th at 75 years old. He was a contemporary poet, who focused on South African lives, and novelist. Sipho lived most of his life in Soweto. He studied teaching which later led to him publishing a first volume of poetry, Hurry up to it! in 1975. He was active in the Black Consciousness movement and published a second poetry book The Soweto I Love it was banned by the Apartheid regime. We will write a custom essay on The Soweto I Love specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now He was also a founder of the Federated Union of Black Artists. The poet of Telephone Conversation, Wole Soyinka, is a Nigerian writer, poet and playwright. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1986, the first African to be so honoured. In 1994, he was designated United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Goodwill Ambassador for the promotion of African culture, human rights, freedom of expression, media and communication. The poem was later published in a book, The Literary/Political Philosophy of Wole Soyinka by Yemi D. Ogunyemi. The poem is about a telephone conversation which he had with his London landlady in 1962; this is also the year the poem was created. The two poems focus on the same basic theme of racial stereotypes and peoples assumptions of black people. On Judgement Day focused more on peoples assumptions about what kind of jobs black people should have and what kind of people they should be, so therefore racial stereotypes, this is shown very much in the first stanza and is a recurring theme that is brought up all through the poem. An example of this, from stanza 1 is the line black people are born singers, black people are born runners, black people are peace-loving, which is very presumptuous about black people suggesting they are all the same. Telephone Conversation is based mainly on the theme of racial discrimination, for that reason it then links with racial stereotypes as the woman in the poem is being racist because of what she assumes black people are like. An example from this poem of this theme is I am African Silence. She does not know what to say because of her preconceived idea of black people. The two poems are very different in the way they are read; Telephone Conversation is quite funny in the way that in can be interpreted, with Wole Soyinka using wit and sarcasm to get his point across, it still has a very strong message but is said in a much less serious way. For example when the woman on the phone asks if he is dark or light, he replies by saying You meanlike plain or milk chocolate?, which can be understood in a very condescending context to the woman, he is making fun of her and of how she judges people. It makes light of the situation even though he is most likely very fed up and upset about the way people are towards him. On Judgement Day is much more formal, serious and can be inferred as quite solemn; even its title is more serious in what it refers to. Also the poem is written in a more poetic way and isnt so obvious in the message it is trying to convey, you have to read more into what he is saying. For example the line and have writhed with the pain of humiliation, in the 3rd stanza, not only has the meaning that they have had shame because of apartheid or slavery but also because of their lack of freedom. Another difference in the two poems is the structure of them; On Judgement Day has a very formal structure that contains many gaps to give the reader a chance to pause and time to think about whats being said and to respond. .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f , .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f .postImageUrl , .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f , .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f:hover , .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f:visited , .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f:active { border:0!important; } .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f:active , .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5a7aaa080bf8e953f1811bd94b49823f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrman EssayOnly once was the formality broken when the poet says my foot, which inputs a comment. Telephone Conversation has a very informal structure with sentences following onto the next line and only being broken by commas and speech being in all capitals. The tone in which the two poems are presented is quite different, as On Judgement Day is not very complex and although some of the context can be quite cryptic and you really have to read into it, it is still simply structured. Whereas in Telephone Conversation it comes across through the vocabulary that she is much less educated than him as his vocabulary is more complex and proper. In my opinion, I prefer Telephone Conversation as I think how Wole Soyinka talks back to the woman in a sarcastic and witty tone is funny, yet also gets the point across of not judging people before you know them, in a very good and different way. Furthermore, I like how she is judging him because she has the false stereotype of black people to be unintelligent, whereas in fact in this poem she is the one who is less educated as this is shown when he uses a more complex vocabulary and she becomes confused and doesnt understand. The two poems make me feel quite angry towards people of that time for being so judgemental and racist towards the Afrikaans and for making them feel like they werent of part of their own country, but at the same time they make you feel sorry for people, that they were so uneducated of different races and cultures that they closed their mind to other people.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sacco And Vanzetti Essays (1982 words) - Sacco And Vanzetti

Sacco And Vanzetti The Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which was ratified in1868, granted freedom to all United States citizens; even those who were naturalized (immigrants). Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subjects to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. - Amendment XIV Though this Amendment was made over half a century prior to the Sacco and Vanzetti case, I feel it did not apply. Sacco and Vanzetti were deprived of life and liberty, as Judge Webster Thayer, the judge in the Sacco and Vanzetti case, sought out their execution and sentenced them. Judge Thayer's conduct, both inside and outside of the court, was inexcusable and hindered Sacco and Vanzetti from receiving a fair trial. This period worked against Sacco's and Vanzetti's fate for its elements of xenophobia, immigration quotas, the Red Scare (1919-1920), and the Palmer Raids. All of these exemplify prejudice, which was prevalent during the Roaring Twenties. On April 15, 1920, two men named Allesandro Berdelli and Frederick Parmenter were murdered near the Slater and Morrill Shoe Factory while carrying a total of 15,776 dollars in South Braintree, Massachusetts. This type of crime was not uncommon in post WWI America. Sacco and Vanzetti were not originally suspected for this crime, but according to one of their friends, Andrea Salsedo, They were practically the last of the Italian radicals in New England who had not been jailed or deported in the big anti-alien drive. Sacco and Vanzetti were suspected because they were Italian immigrants, anarchists, professed draft dodgers, and were involved in union and labor strikes, anti-war propaganda, and numerous minor confrontations with the law. Originally, neither Sacco nor Vanzetti had any previous criminal records, yet they were suspected of committing the murders on April 15, 1920. Then Vanzetti was linked to the Bridgewater holdup. Vanzetti first encountered Judge Webster Thayer on June 22, 1920, during his trial for the Bridgewater holdup he allegedly committed, known as the Plymouth Trial. Poor translators were brought in to help Vanzetti's sixteen working-class Italian alibis communicate with the court. Vanzetti, himself, refused to take the stand. He feared revealing his anarchical behavior and radical activity, and due to this, did not take the bench in his own defense. Vanzetti was sentenced to fifteen years in the Charlestown State Penitentiary. This was a harsh punishment compared to the usual sentence of eight to ten years in prison. In The Black Flag, by Brian Jackson, the author points out Thayer's early biased behavior after the Plymouth Trial; Following the earlier Plymouth trial of Vanzetti for the attempted Bridgewater robbery, at which Judge Thayer presided, he requested Chief Justice John Aiken assign him to preside in the Sacco-Vanzetti trial in Dedham. Such a request was and is radical departure from usual judicial decorum and indicates Thayer's intense personal interest in the outcome of the trial. It is also highly probable that after presiding at the Plymouth trial and sentencing Vanzetti to fifteen years for attempted robbery, Thayer could not claim total impartiality toward the defendants at the Dedham trial. Vanzetti's fifteen years in the State Penitentiary and Thayer's desire to preside in the Sacco and Vanzetti case were the first indications of his corruption. Why would it matter if another judge took the anarchists' case? Why did Judge Thayer deem it necessary to handle this particular case, especially since he already handled Vanzetti in court? It is obvious what Thayer, a man who had said he, would show them [Sacco and Vanzetti] and would get those guys hanged, had in mind. This unique request was one of the many unusual acts Judge Thayer did during the Sacco-Vanzetti trial. It was also reported he made many comments to friends and coworkers about his plans for Sacco and Vanzetti. Professional, well-respected men, were often the people leaking Judge

Sunday, November 24, 2019

What Not to Include in Your Business Email Signature

What Not to Include in Your Business Email Signature Note: this article is part of a series about current issues to consider when writing business email.Subscribe to this blogto receive the full series. A business email signature I received today from a Human Resource manager included this somewhat inspirational quote: â€Å"Just when the caterpillar thought its’ life was over, it became a butterfly.† While I often tend to agree with inspirational insights theoretically, do not include them in your business email signature. They are distracting from the core message of your email. Business email volume is heavy, and we need to streamline our messages to assist busy readers. This quote offers only unrelated extraneous content, and requires additional valuable reader time – never good practice. (Additionally, there is a grammar error. Its’ is a grammatical formation that does not exist. The possessive form of its is its. Correct it's vs. its grammar should be, â€Å"Just when the caterpillar thought its life was over†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ) Match Business Email Signature to Your Reader This quote is particularly odd for a Human Resources manager, given the layoffs occurring across many companies. There is an oblique hint of ending/layoff mentioned, and reminder of this in an email from Human Resources is not helpful! This statement could easily cause employees to worry needlessly. Email signatures can be hugely valuable for marketing: Use business email signatures to increase sales Announce new initiatives to internal staff Announce new products or events to external contacts Highlight a new marketing initiative Avoid: Inspirational quotes Any political statements Any religious statements Colorful fonts. Keep your business email signature clean and professional A jpg image. Many email clients will add this as an attachment only. They are not helpful and add clutter. Would you like a review of your business email, including signatures, time management, and crafting messages that work? Consider our Email Course.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Market Planning and Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Market Planning and Control - Essay Example In addition, marketers need to know any other information that would persuade customers such as health claims, celebrity and expert information. In marketing food products like sandwiches and soft drinks, the marketing strategy has a direct connection with the buying and eating habits. An example is about what the scientists say about eating high fibre foods and reducing cancer risk or eating foods with saturated fats and heart problems. Developing the format of a marketing plan is the first step in making a marketing strategy. The plan should include; the objective and business mission; situation Analysis; the aims of the marketing strategy; strategic and tactical procedures; the budget and means of analysing performance; and contingencies (Aitken 2004). The first step is to describe the challenge i.e. product to be marketed; in this case, the products are sandwiches, cold and hot drinks. Situation analyses include several aspects, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis, company analysis and customer analysis. The food industry in London is usually very efficient focussing on the customer requirements in terms of culture, taste and other aspects like scientific information about foods and eating habits. ... All these are obtained through market analysis of market share and position. As London develops even more, diversity and consciousness on food is also increasing, the city has many restaurants with many educated and middle class people adopting healthy eating (Aitken 2004). On the other hand, the poor are getting worse. Market Analysis Market analysis is very complex undertaking especially in the current society where people are more educated, health conscious and open minded. It is therefore very important to study all aspects that lead to purchase of food ranging from nutrition information buyer behaviour, price and event psychological aspects. The best place to find information is from the company's SWOT analysis where market segmentation can be determined by the way the buyer use the products, their requirements, pricing, and how to access them(Aitken 2004). In business it usually very hard to come up with a distinct marketing strategy however the best strategy should involve the use of a "Marketing mix" that addresses the 4 P's i.e. Price, Place, Product and Promotion. Making decision about the product should bear in mind the advantages and method of control. Quality is most important feature of any product and should not be compromised upon; other aspects would include branding, and packaging. Pricing is also a factor and when making the price tags, it may have to include discounts or offers to attract more customers. Fast foods in London market have a variety of delivery form hence distribution is not so difficult however sandwich and soft drinks business can opt for delivery services and takeaway services. (Aitken 2004) Nutritional information, culture and other scientific data play a very critical